Solid state relays or semiconductor relays (also called SSRs) are semiconductor devices that can be used in place of mechanical relays to switch electricity to a load in many applications. They are purely electronic devices, normally composed of a low current control side and a high current load side (switching side). Many solid state relays feature electrical isolation in the thousands of volts between the control side and the load side. This is usually achieved through optical isolation using an optoelectronic device (a photocoupler). [Read more…] about What is a Solid State Relay ?
Siemens Simatic Step 7 – how to
STEP 7 is the standard software package used for configuring and programming SIMATIC programmable logic controllers. It is part of the SIMATIC industry software. There are the following versions of the STEP 7 Standard package:
Cabinet Cooling How To
THINK ABOUT COOLING … from the beginning
Cooling needs should be evaluated early in the design process. Nearly all systems require some degree of forced cooling. Early estimates of the location of components in the cabinet, the heat to be dissipated, and the amount of space needed for the cooling device will save time, trouble and expense. [Read more…] about Cabinet Cooling How To
PLC Automation Contributes Effectively to Manufacturing Processes
Everyone knows that we use a lot of abbreviations and acronyms to describe objects, applications, and tasks. This is especially true in engineering and manufacturing automation. In some cases the acronym is used to show how much we know about the subject at hand. In other cases I think it is because the words that the acronym stands for seem very long and when used often take a longer time to spit out. I think this is the case for “PLC” which stands for “programmable logic controller”. This name describes a computer processing unit that can be programmed in various ways to control the manufacturing devices that are attached to it. It is a lot easier to say PLC than all that stuff for which it stands. Just know that the term PLC is used a great number of times when discussing the parts that make up a manufacturing automation system. It is the controller of all the tasks that are done by other devices that are attached to the PLC. It is the brain that makes the automation of manufacturing happen. [Read more…] about PLC Automation Contributes Effectively to Manufacturing Processes